Thursday, October 29, 2009


When using JVD-RC Clutch Shoes, make sure the clutch bell is 100% free from former debris. 

Use a dremel and grind the inside of the clutch bell. Even with a new clutch bell dremel the inside.

The smoother the inside of the bell the longer life U get out of a set of shoes.

When after some driving the shoes look kind of dark or even black it is a good sign. They will look shining after a few tanks.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Congrats to Kelvin Ngow on his 3rd place finish in MNL Round 4 in the Malaysian Championship. ( using JVD-RC clutch for the first time, due unfortunate pit crew mistakes, he should have finish higher than 3rd place )


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Clutch Bell

(1) Diameter of the clutch bell is bigger; it might cause more wear, 
overheating and less punch;
(2) Diameter of the clutch bell is smaller then there will be more 
surface of the shoes that will touch the clutch bell and you have less slip and more punch.
Recommended:- 26.00 mm to 26.80 mm 
internal diameter clutch bell.
Loose track: 0.9 X 2 spring + 1.0 X 2 spring
Track with lots of jumps: 1.0 X 4 sprng or 
1.0 X 2 spring + 1.0 X 2 spring
Thank you